Well it's pretty clear that the US empire is handing over it's anti-Russian campaign to Europe so the US can focus on fighting China but the end product is the same; war and more war even as we wreck planet Earth. It's a weird replay of the West supporting the rise of Hitler in his planned war against the Soviet Union.
Yeah I think media lens is well off the mark with this one. Trump is in no way anti-war as he green lights hundreds more 2000 lb bombs to drop on Palestinian children's heads and the arms industry is hardly sinking with a few % drop especially as Europe and NATO will take up any loss from the US. The US is merely making use of the change of president to back out of a war it didn't expect to lose in order to pivot to Asia. There will be no truce within weeks. The war will grind on until Ukraine collapses (which the EU won't be able to prevent) or Putin gets what he wants: unconditional surrender. Only then will a peace agreement be debated.
Hot or cold war with China has bipartisan support and is the main target for Trump, Rubio, Vance and Hesgeth.
Plus, why is no one is talking about the food supply, forget minerals and energy. Billions are going to starve.
A 50% reduction in military spending would be a start. After the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact disappeared there was supposed to be a "peace dividend" and closing Arsonals and military bases.
I'm prepared to grant the President more leeway than most. The first indicator that he knows what the game is about is the team he has successfully appointed against major odds. The disappointing results of his first term has been ascribed to a bad team, moving against him at every turn, a team he was forced to accept say some observers. This time it seems, he knows the score.
So we must look at DEEDS, not WORDS, the latter being likely calculated to achieve the former and not necessarily representing what any on his team really thinks or believes. Palestine? What western politician could get away with condemning Israel right now? Or cutting off arms and aid? Global warming? The practical approach is to denounce the hypocrisy of all the Paris signees who talk the talk but little else. Maybe this could prepare the way for something more effective against the petroleum-industrial complex. This will not be a piece of cake, as it is obvious that reversing CO2 emissions would require major rationing of some sort. And Kennedy does seem the ideal manager to erode the power of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. And Musk to chainsaw govrot as he did with Twitter. Patel to shake up one of the most corrupt organizations... The right do-ers for the corresponding deeds. You don't need a Feynman to change a light-bulb, nor an Einstein to balance your checkbook! Let's see where all this goes, practically, step-by-carefully-calcualted-step, before we stoop to mudslinging and Bill Kristolisms
What an astonishing turn of events, eh Davids? For the sane-anti-war policy to come from not only the right, but a form of 'extreme' right at that! Would any of us have expected that 20 years ago?
The neoliberal FIRE sector has rebelled against destroying the economy by the MIC, and the suicidal insanity of the Biden/Clinton neocons.
The left is silent and destroyed, the liberals equally buried by one group of fascists claiming to be liberal and misusing their arguments (fx the CIA NGOs currently starved of funds).
The Nazis have played their cards and long-term revival strategies well, so well that only a nativist conservative movement has survived well enough to put a halt to their insane plans.
When Trump won in 2016 I breathed a sigh of relief - to the astonishment of nearly all of my friends, leading to the loss of many. He didn't achieve much then, but at least he didn't start WW3 - incalculable benefit.
This time he seems more focussed. I feel sorry for the mass of Americans, who will continue to become impoverished by the neoliberal pro-FIRE policies, but at least they will survive without needing bunkers.
To think TRUMP of all people..!!!
It has been a revelation to see some of the 'left' spouting the neocon Imperial nonsense, and no surprises at all, maps almost exactly the anti-Corbyn messaging.
This should all not be forgotten in a few years time.
An outstanding article.
This is why I will subscribe to Media Lens again when my own finances allow!
Thanks, David, much appreciated.
Well it's pretty clear that the US empire is handing over it's anti-Russian campaign to Europe so the US can focus on fighting China but the end product is the same; war and more war even as we wreck planet Earth. It's a weird replay of the West supporting the rise of Hitler in his planned war against the Soviet Union.
Yeah I think media lens is well off the mark with this one. Trump is in no way anti-war as he green lights hundreds more 2000 lb bombs to drop on Palestinian children's heads and the arms industry is hardly sinking with a few % drop especially as Europe and NATO will take up any loss from the US. The US is merely making use of the change of president to back out of a war it didn't expect to lose in order to pivot to Asia. There will be no truce within weeks. The war will grind on until Ukraine collapses (which the EU won't be able to prevent) or Putin gets what he wants: unconditional surrender. Only then will a peace agreement be debated.
Hot or cold war with China has bipartisan support and is the main target for Trump, Rubio, Vance and Hesgeth.
Plus, why is no one is talking about the food supply, forget minerals and energy. Billions are going to starve.
A 50% reduction in military spending would be a start. After the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact disappeared there was supposed to be a "peace dividend" and closing Arsonals and military bases.
Dodobbird.pixels.com (My art site)
Excellent article, much appreciated. Shame there aren't more voices supporting peace!
Trump has 'changed'?
“ . . . when it comes to Russia
5:06 they also know that Donald Trump can't be trusted at all I mean this is I don't know who Donald Trump thinks he's
5:12 fooling but the Russians don't have short memories uh the Russians are fully cognizant of the fact that Donald Trump
5:18 when he was president last time promised that he was pursuing friendship and end up being a president that was horrible
5:24 for Russia um imposing sanctions but not just that I mean Donald Trump this this notion that uh that you know Donald
5:33 Trump wouldn't have allowed this war to take place is a lie this war is Donald Trump's War he created the conditions
5:39 never forget that the Russian maneuvering that took place in uh 2021 um is you know the the maneuvering
5:47 of troops is because of policies put in place by Donald Trump to rebuild the Ukrainian Army to position Ukrainian
5:53 Army so they can pose an offensive military threat to the Russians of the dombas straight up Donald Trump did that
6:01 Donald Trump armed them Donald Trump's the one that went along with the facade of Minsk um you know leading the
6:08 Russians down a a path believing that there was going to be um you
6:14 know peace all along knowing that it wasn't it just to buy time to build up the army that Donald Trump built up
6:21 Donald Trump put the NATO train facility in the western Ukraine in 2017 Donald
6:26 Trump built a battalion of Ukrainian forces every 55 days designed to fight the NATO standards to recapture the doas
6:34 Donald Trump did that and he wants maybe in the west we'll forget it the Russians
6:40 aren't going to forget that they know damn well who he is and what he has done this is Donald Trump's war and now he's
6:47 trying to pretend that it isn't it . . .
remember those 20 bases the CIA bases that went in there who was the president when they went in
11:02 Donald Trump what was the policy of the United States When Donald Trump was President the Strategic defeat of
11:07 Russia“?
I'm prepared to grant the President more leeway than most. The first indicator that he knows what the game is about is the team he has successfully appointed against major odds. The disappointing results of his first term has been ascribed to a bad team, moving against him at every turn, a team he was forced to accept say some observers. This time it seems, he knows the score.
So we must look at DEEDS, not WORDS, the latter being likely calculated to achieve the former and not necessarily representing what any on his team really thinks or believes. Palestine? What western politician could get away with condemning Israel right now? Or cutting off arms and aid? Global warming? The practical approach is to denounce the hypocrisy of all the Paris signees who talk the talk but little else. Maybe this could prepare the way for something more effective against the petroleum-industrial complex. This will not be a piece of cake, as it is obvious that reversing CO2 emissions would require major rationing of some sort. And Kennedy does seem the ideal manager to erode the power of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. And Musk to chainsaw govrot as he did with Twitter. Patel to shake up one of the most corrupt organizations... The right do-ers for the corresponding deeds. You don't need a Feynman to change a light-bulb, nor an Einstein to balance your checkbook! Let's see where all this goes, practically, step-by-carefully-calcualted-step, before we stoop to mudslinging and Bill Kristolisms
Of interest, and supporting some of my views above:
What an astonishing turn of events, eh Davids? For the sane-anti-war policy to come from not only the right, but a form of 'extreme' right at that! Would any of us have expected that 20 years ago?
The neoliberal FIRE sector has rebelled against destroying the economy by the MIC, and the suicidal insanity of the Biden/Clinton neocons.
The left is silent and destroyed, the liberals equally buried by one group of fascists claiming to be liberal and misusing their arguments (fx the CIA NGOs currently starved of funds).
The Nazis have played their cards and long-term revival strategies well, so well that only a nativist conservative movement has survived well enough to put a halt to their insane plans.
When Trump won in 2016 I breathed a sigh of relief - to the astonishment of nearly all of my friends, leading to the loss of many. He didn't achieve much then, but at least he didn't start WW3 - incalculable benefit.
This time he seems more focussed. I feel sorry for the mass of Americans, who will continue to become impoverished by the neoliberal pro-FIRE policies, but at least they will survive without needing bunkers.
To think TRUMP of all people..!!!
It has been a revelation to see some of the 'left' spouting the neocon Imperial nonsense, and no surprises at all, maps almost exactly the anti-Corbyn messaging.
This should all not be forgotten in a few years time.
Trump sane anti-war policy Gnuneo? I think you've completely misread what's going on.